Why we choose to use the one concept method in our design process so we can strategically spend more time perfecting your branding.
Aug 25,2024 — Business
With a less is more approach to brand concepts, we hone in on presenting a refined and intentional design for your business aesthetic. Yep, just one concept that we build upon — it’s the one concept method. We make sure to form a concept where your brand story is scattered throughout the details of your brand visuals so your audience can feel a connection without words.
When presenting a branding visual identity concept to clients we only show one option. Yup, just one. We know this can be a bit scary for clients to only have one concept presented to them instead of multiple but please trust our process. We go through so many options before solidifying on the final direction. The concept always reflects what we feel will be the best representation of what highlights you and your business through colors, textures, fonts, layouts, etc.
We used to create multiple design concept options for clients to choose from and it never failed that there would be a note in our inbox for mixing and matching pieces from them together. While this always isn’t a bad thing, it often was trying to force two separate ideas/aesthetics together that simply shouldn’t be. Just because you love two things doesn’t mean they look good together, and we never want your brand to start to look not cohesive.
Without having to create multiple options for the sake of needing to show multiple styles we can zero in on the concept and spend time perfecting the details. Our clients can then see more of the full direction in the presentation as we can dive into multiple examples of usage such as mockups and social examples.
You hired us to be the experts and we feel we have the most creativity when we can present only the strongest option to you because it gives us the freedom to go through the options ourselves and select the best fit. With an outside perspective, we can really help to select the best option available for your branding. A strategic aesthetic that BEST aligns with your business and the look it aspires to achieve. While we always work to get to where our client loves the brand too, first and foremost we want your target audience to adore your designs.
Nervously hitting send for the first time presenting a one-concept brand identity, we immediately hoped it would work out best for our clients because we loved the new process we tried. The note of praise for the presentation confirmed that we should forever say farewell to our multi-concept brand presentations. And, we’ve kept to it and have stuck by the one concept method. We swoon over how this presentation method allows us to create more examples of the brand identity in use with mockups (aka real-life examples such as merch, stationery, social graphics, etc.).
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